Ellis County, KS Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Ellis County vital recordsThe Kansas Department of Public Health is a good place to start if you are searching for vital records for Ellis County. Vital records such as birth records, delayed birth records, death records, marriage records and divorce records can be requested by filling out an application. Information regarding the necessary identification and fees required have your vital records request processed can be found on the Kansas Department of Health website. Ellis County vital records can also be requested through VitalChek, online services. If the vital record you are requesting cannot be found through either of these services try contacting the Ellis County Clerk's Office, they may have older vital records in the form of written ledgers still on file from before vital records were filed with the state.

Ellis County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Ellis County
PO Box 654
Hays, KS 67601
Hours of Operation: 8AM-5PM CST
Phone: 785-628-9450
Fax: 785-628-9451
Real Estate: 785-628-9452
Assessor: 785-628-9400
Treasurer: 785-628-9466
Appraiser: 785-628-9400
Elections: 785-628-9410
Vital Records: 785-628-9450
Other: 785-628-9452
Other: 785-628-9417
Recording Officer: County Register of Deeds
Assessor Fax: 785-628-9403
Assessor Website
Assessor Address: PO Box 309

Ellis County Marriage & Divorce Records

Ellis County Birth & Death Records

About Ellis County, Kansas

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