Ellis County, OK Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Ellis County vital recordsEllis County vital records, available from the Ellis County Health Department in Buffalo or the state Health Department, can be ordered in person or by mail for $25 (restricted to family for living persons), or online from VitalChek. Although recordkeeping was initiated in 1907, it was sporadic until the 1940s; historical records are available at the Ellis County Historical Society or the Oklahoma Historical Society. Marriage and divorce records from 1892 are available from the Clerk of Court in Arnett. Ellis County's population has declined from 85,000 in the 1940s to 4,000 today; it was formed in 1907 from part of the Cheyenne-Arapaho Reservation.

Ellis County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Ellis County
PO Box 197
Arnett, OK 73832
Hours of Operation: 8:30AM-4:30PM
Phone: 580-885-7301
Fax: 580-885-7258
Real Estate: 580-885-7301
Assessor: 580-885-7975
Treasurer: 580-885-7670
Elections: 580-885-7721
Vital Records: 580-885-7301
Recording Officer: County Clerk
Assessor Fax: 580-885-7258
Assessor Website

Ellis County Marriage & Divorce Records

Ellis County Birth & Death Records

About Ellis County, Oklahoma

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