Glenn County, CA Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Glenn County vital recordsCounty of Glenn vital records can be obtained from the office of the county recorder. To find records of birth, death and marriage in Glenn Count, contact the clerk recorder at 530-934-6412. Certified and informational copies of documents can be ordered in person, by mail and over the phone, and copies of the application forms can be found online here . Note that as of August 2011, the office is closed on Fridays. Opening hours are Monday to Thursday from 7am to 5pm.

Glenn County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Glenn County
526 W Sycamore St
Willows, CA 95988
Hours of Operation: 8AM-5PM PST
Phone: 530-934-6412
Fax: 530-934-6305
Real Estate: 530-934-6412
Assessor: 530-934-6402
Treasurer: 530-934-6410
Appraiser: 530-934-6402
Elections: 530-934-6414
Vital Records: 530-934-6412
Recording Officer: County Recorder
Assessor Fax: 530-934-6571
Assessor Website

Glenn County Marriage & Divorce Records

Glenn County Birth & Death Records

About Glenn County, California

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