Jackson County, KS Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Jackson County vital recordsThe Kansas Department of Public Health is the best place to start when requesting vital records for Jackson County. However official birth and death records only go as far back as 1911, marriage 1913 and divorce only as far as 1951. You can check with the Jackson County Clerk's Office to see if they have retained records from before they were filed with the state, the information is usually in the form of a written ledger. The Kansas State Historical Society for Historical Research may also be able to aid you in your search for vital documents prior to 1911. If you would like to avoid line ups and delays you can make your vital record request for Jackson County online through VitalChek services.

Jackson County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Jackson County
400 New York, Rm 203
Holton, KS 66436
Hours of Operation: 8AM-4:30PM CST
Phone: 785-364-3591
Fax: 785-364-3420
Real Estate: 785-364-3591
Assessor: 785-364-2358
Treasurer: 785-364-3791
Appraiser: 785-364-5256
Elections: 785-364-5200
Recording Officer: County Register of Deeds
Assessor Fax: 785-364-5257

Jackson County Marriage & Divorce Records - County Courts

Category: Courts
Jackson County Court Services
400 New York
Holton, KS 66436
Phone: (785)364-3183

Jackson County Birth & Death Records

About Jackson County, Kansas

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