Lancaster County, VA Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Lancaster County vital recordsOriginally part of Northumberland and York Counties, Lancaster County was established in 1651. Over time, the General Assembly pared down its vast area, creating 16 modern-day Virginia counties and three counties now in West Virginia. The present Courthouse, which dates from 1860, houses county records which have been maintained virtually intact since 1652. Qualified individuals may obtain Virginia records for $12.00 at the Virginia Department of Health. Death, marriage, and divorce records become public after 50 years, birth records after 100. The Library of Virginia houses birth and death records (18531896) and marriage records (18531935).

Lancaster County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Lancaster County
PO Box 99
Lancaster, VA 22503
Hours of Operation: 8:30AM-4:30PM EST
Phone: 804-462-5611
Fax: 804-462-9978
Real Estate: 804-462-5611
Assessor: 804-462-7920
Treasurer: 804-462-5630
Elections: 804-462-5277
Recording Officer: Clerk of Circuit Court
Records Online: Real Estate, Deed, Judgment, Will, Marriage, Chancery
Assessor Fax: 804-462-7591
Assessor Website
Assessor Address: PO Box 122

Lancaster County Marriage & Divorce Records

Lancaster County Birth & Death Records

About Lancaster County, Virginia

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