New Jersey Marriage & Divorce Vital Records

Most Populous City: Newark
Total Area: 8,729 sq mi
Total Population (2010): 8791894
Source: Wikipedia
New Jersey marriage records are considered private vital records, while New Jersey divorce records are public court records. The state Bureau of Vital Statistics or local municipal vital records offices maintain marriage records from 1901; certified copies are restricted to family, but genealogical copies will be provided after 50 years. The New Jersey State Archives has microfilm copies of 1878-1940 marriage records, for use in-person only, but will perform a search for 1848-1900 marriage records. The Archives have limited 1795-1887 microfilmed county records, and an online searchable index for 1665-1799 marriage records. Divorce records are not considered New Jersey vital records, available only from the Clerk of the Superior Court. Historical divorce records for 1743-1850 are found at the Chancery Courts and the State Archives. An index book for 1778-1844 divorces is available at the New Jersey State Library, and the Archives has a microfilm index for 1850-1900.
For more information on New Jersey vital records, visit New Jersey Birth & Death Vital RecordsNew Jersey Vital Records Offices
Record Type: Marriage, Civil Union, and Domestic Partnership Certificates
Department of Health & Senior Svcs
Bureau of Vital Statistics
PO Box 370
Trenton, NJ 08625-0370
Phone: 609-292-4087
Fax: 609-392-4292
Business Hours: 8:30AM-4PM
Note: For copies of vital records from 1848 to 1900, please contact New Jersey Dept. of State, Division of Archives and Records Management at P.O. Box 307, Trenton NJ 08625-0307, or call 609-292-6260.
Record Access Requirements:
Search Note: If event is more than 50 years old, requester may provide the year of event and county of occurrence instead of exact information.
Records Available: Divorce Records
Clerk of Superior Court
Records Center
PO Box 967
Trenton, NJ 08625-0967
Phone: 609-777-0092
Fax: 609-777-0094
Business Hours: 8:30AM-3:30PM
Note: For copies of vital records from 1848 to 1886, please contact New Jersey Dept. of State, Division of Archives and Records Management at P.O. Box 307, Trenton NJ 08625-0307, or call 609-292-6260.
Record Access Requirements: Also provide married name, unless maiden name was used during the marriage. Information on cases that are impounded is not released.
Search Note: No copies are made and no records are retrieved after 3:30PM.
Records Available: Statewide Court Records
Administrative Office of Courts
RJH Justice Complex, 7th Fl
PO Box 037
Trenton, NJ 08625
Phone: 609-984-0275
Fax: 609-984-6968
Business Hours: 8:30AM-4:30PM
Note: Supreme and Appellate opinions and current calendars are available at the website. The state has several automated case tracking systems, including case histories. However, this is not accessible directly by the public.
Records Available: Criminal Records
Division of State Police
Records and Identification Section
PO Box 7068
West Trenton, NJ 08628-0068
Phone: 609-882-2000
Fax: 609-530-5780
Business Hours: 9AM-5PM
Record Access Requirements: Record access is limited to attorney firms, employers, private investigators, and the subject. Records may be ordered with or without fingerprints, except if ordered by the subject then fingerprints are required.
Search Note: The name must match exactly. 100% of the records are fingerprint supported. Fingerprints are required with a request made by the subject.
Records Available: Incarceration Records
New Jersey Department of Corrections
Central Reception & Assignment Facility
PO Box 7450
Trenton, NJ 08628
Phone: 609-777-5753
Fax: 609-777-8369
Business Hours: 8AM-5PM
Note: There are three possible locations for records. Processing can take longer if records must be obtained at one of the other 2 locations.
Record Access Requirements: Location, DOC number, physical identifiers, conviction information, and release dates are released.
New Jersey County Marriage & Divorce Vital Records
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