Orange County, NY Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Orange County vital recordsOrange County is located in the southeast area of New York not far from New York City and Long Island, and the population matches that. Almost 375,000 individuals resided in the county in 2010, and that amount is growing all the time. Conversely, the county seat of Goshen is relatively sparsely populated with only about 5,500 residents. The town is home to all county government agencies, however, including the County Clerk at 4 Glenmere Cove Road. That office is responsible for maintaining all property records for the county, as well as the County and Supreme Court documents and records. The County Historian also serves to collect and archive records and will assist researchers in locating any specific items. The Historian's office is at 101 Main Street, also in Goshen. That address is also the location of the Orange County Genealogical Society's research room.

Orange County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Orange County
255 Main St
Goshen, NY 10924
Hours of Operation: 9AM-5PM EST
Phone: 845-291-2690
Fax: 845-291-2691
Real Estate: 845-291-3074
Assessor: 845-291-2494
Treasurer: 845-291-2485
Appraiser: 845-291-2490
Elections: 845-291-2444
Recording Officer: County Clerk
Assessor Fax: 845-291-2499
Assessor Website

Orange County Marriage & Divorce Records - County Courts

Category: Local Government Offices
Orange County - County Courts- Supreme Court
255 Main Street
Goshen, NY 10924
Phone: (845)291-3111

Orange County Birth & Death Records

About Orange County, New York

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