Saline County, KS Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Saline County vital recordsSaline County vital records can be requested from the Kansas Department of Health. Vital records such as birth records, death records, marriage records, divorce records as well as delayed birth certificates for Saline County can be found on file at the Kansas Department of Health post-1911. If you require vital records prior to July 1911 it is best to check with the Saline County Clerk's Office, older records in the form of a written ledger may have survived. The Kansas State Historical Society for Historical Research is also a good place to acquire information regarding older vital records. Requests for vital records can also be made through VitalChek.

Saline County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Saline County
PO Box 5040
Salina, KS 67402-5040
Hours of Operation: 8AM-5PM CST
Phone: 785-309-5855
Fax: 785-309-5856
Assessor: 785-309-5800
Treasurer: 785-309-5860
Appraiser: 785-309-5800
Recording Officer: County Register of Deeds
Assessor Fax: 785-309-5802
Assessor Website
Assessor Address: 300 W Ash, Rm 108

Saline County Marriage & Divorce Records

Saline County Birth & Death Records

About Saline County, Kansas

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