Schuyler County, NY Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Schuyler County vital recordsSchuyler County was officially formed in 1854, and the position of County Clerk was established the following year. The current office, located in Unit 8 at 105 Ninth Street in the county seat of Watkins Glen, NY, has huge amount of historical and genealogical records dating back to 1855 to the present, including deeds and property records, taxes, both County and Supreme Court records, local census records for most decades from 1855 to 1925, naturalization records from 1864 to 1954, and much more. The vast majority of records on file with the Clerk's office are open to the public and are available for research, and office staff are on hand to assist researchers locate specific records and documents. The County Historian works in conjunction with the Clerk's office and also serves to collect and maintain historical documents and records for the area.

Schuyler County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Schuyler County
105 Ninth St, Unit 8
County Office Bldg
Watkins Glen, NY 14891
Hours of Operation: 9AM-5PM EST
Phone: 607-535-8133
Real Estate: 607-535-8133
Assessor: 607-535-8118
Treasurer: 607-535-8181
Recording Officer: County Clerk
Assessor Fax: 607-535-8124
Assessor Website

Schuyler County Marriage & Divorce Records - County Courts

Category: Courts
Cayuta Town Court
6360 State Route 224
Cayuta, NY 14824
Phone: (607)594-2888

Schuyler County Birth & Death Records - Adoption Agencies

Family Center
210 12th Street
Watkins Glen, NY 14891
Phone: (607)535-4585

About Schuyler County, New York

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