Thomas County, KS Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Thomas County vital recordsThomas County vital records request can be submitted online through VitalChek services, it is a convenient and fast way to search for vital records. Since it is an independent company there is an additional fee for processing. If you are searching for vital records such as birth records, death records, marriage records or divorce records for Thomas County you can file an application with the Kansas Department of Health. If the vital record you are searching for cannot be found with the Kansas Department of Health try contacting the Thomas County Clerk's Office, records predating 1911 may have survived with the County Clerk, though this is not always the case. Another good source for older vital documents is the Kansas State Historical Society for Historical Research, they can provide information regarding older vital records.

Thomas County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Thomas County
300 N Court
Colby, KS 67701
Hours of Operation: 8AM-N, 1PM-5PM CST
Phone: 785-460-4535
Fax: 785-460-4512
Real Estate: 785-460-4535
Assessor: 785-460-4525
Treasurer: 785-460-4520
Appraiser: 785-460-4525
Elections: 785-460-4500
Recording Officer: Register of Deeds
Assessor Fax: 785-460-4527
Assessor Website

Thomas County Marriage & Divorce Records - County Courts

Category: Courts
Thomas-County - Clerk Of District Court
300 North Court Avenue
Colby, KS 67701
Phone: (785)460-4540
Fax: (785)460-2291

Thomas County Birth & Death Records

About Thomas County, Kansas

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