Wood County, TX Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Wood County vital recordsWood County vital records dating from 1903 are available locally from the county clerk in Quitman and online through the official state eGovernment website, called TexasOnline. Certified copies are restricted to qualified persons for 25-75 years (75 for birth certificates and 25 for death certificates), but informational copies have no restrictions. The county clerk in Quitman may be contacted by email, mail, phone, fax, or in person. Older records may also be available at the Texas State Library Genealogy Section. Created in 1850 out of Van Zandt County, Wood County's Anglo-American settlement began in the 1840s after the Caddo (Native American) population was reduced by disease.

Wood County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Wood County
PO Box 1796
Quitman, TX 75783
Hours of Operation: 8AM-4PM CST
Phone: 903-763-2711
Fax: 903-763-5641
Real Estate: 903-763-2711
Assessor: 903-763-2261
Treasurer: 903-763-4186
Appraiser: 903-763-4946
Elections: 903-763-2400
Vital Records: 903-763-2711
Recording Officer: County Clerk
Records Online: Real Estate, Grantor/Grantee, Deed, Lien, Judgment
Assessor Fax: 903-763-5753

Wood County Marriage & Divorce Records - County Courts

Category: Courts
Wood County - District Offices- District Court Reporter
Courthouse Main
Quitman, TX 75783
Phone: (903)763-5432

Wood County Birth & Death Records

About Wood County, Texas

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