Archives Ranks Among Most Popular Genealogy Websites

by Julie Hill

Posted on May 20, 2010

Yesterday, ProGenealogists released a list of the 50 top genealogy websites based on figures from the first quarter of 2010. Archives was ranked alongside other top websites, solidifying a place as one of the most popular destinations for family history research online.

Kory Meyerink, ProGenealogists VP, said "...for the past three years, we have been tracking the most visited sites. Simply put, if thousands of other family researchers found a site to be useful, all researches should know about such sites and check them out."

ProGenealogists used tools including and to determine the rankings. We encourage you to look up on one of these tools to see our tremendous growth over the past several months. About Archives, Meyerink noted "They'll almost certainly be in the top ten next year." ...We have more than a sneaking suspicion that he's right!

Congrats to the other websites that received this distinction. See a complete list of the rankings here.

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