Cox Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Cox Genealogy & History

Cox is an English name that has three possible derivations. The first possibility is that it comes from the Old English "cocc", or "cock" and was given to a young man who strutted like a rooster, was an early riser, or was an aggressive leader. Cox family history also suggests it may mean "dweller by the hill" and pertain to those who lived near a haycock or hillock. The third possible origin is the Welsh "coch" or "red". Cox genealogy includes the alternative spellings Cocks, Cock, and Cocke. Cox family members include American actress Courtney Cox.

Cox Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Cary Cox-- --, 1922September 30,2006GA
B Gene Cox-- --, 1927December 15,1997CA
Charles Cox-- --, 1916July 9,2010KY
D Bruce Cox-- --, 1930October 12,2005AL

Cox Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Alice Cox-- --, 1906October ,1975Hopedale,MA
F Blake Cox-- --, 1913September 21,2005Minneapolis,MN
G Bennett Cox-- --, 1936December ,1986Lexington,IN
H Bracken Cox-- --, 1918March 15,2006Austin,TX

Cox Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alpheus CoxEsther LowdermilkApril 18,1944Wake, NC
Broadus CoxAnnie PoeJuly 2,1941Wake, NC
Chas CoxSarah PerdueDecember 5,1932Wake, NC
Otho CoxAnni DonaldsonDecember 9,1933Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Cox

55th: Martinez56th: Rodriguez
57th: Bailey58th: Cooper
59th: Reed60th: Ward
61st: Bell62nd: Sullivan
63rd: Bennett64th: Myers

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