Davis Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Davis Genealogy & History

Davis genealogy shows that this surname means "son of David". Davis family history indicates that this surname is still another common variation of the English surname David, which refers to the biblical King David and means "beloved." In the 1990 U.S. Census, Davis was the 6th most common name in the United States. There are many famous people with this surname. One such family member was Jefferson Davis, who was the president of the Confederate States during the American Civil War. Another famous Davis was American actress Bette Davis, who was nominated for Best Actress ten times and won twice, for her roles in Dangerous and Jezebel.

Davis Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Beatrice Davis-- --, 1919June ,1986FL
B Anne Davis-- --, 1935June 20,2004TN
Charlene Davis-- --, 1969October 25,2009NC
D Arnold Davis-- --, 1918January ,1985OH

Davis Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Aileen Davis-- --, 1931May 30,1992Keokuk,IA
F Arleta Davis-- --, 1912December 13,1998Troy,OH
George Davis-- --, 1935May 8,1995Kernersville,NC
H Allan Davis-- --, 1913February 7,1989Glen Riddle Lima,PA

Davis Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Clarence DavisMacy RayMarch 2,1931Wake, NC
Elton DavisMarjorie CatesSeptember 2,1933Wake, NC
Floyd DavisMavis HoldenNovember 28,1936Wake, NC
Harry DavisMary PeppersAugust 5,1931Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Davis

8th: Anderson9th: Wilson
10th: Taylor11th: Moore
12th: Martin13th: Thompson
14th: Thomas15th: White
16th: Clark17th: Harris

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