Guinn Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Guinn Genealogy & History

Guinn is an English and Welsh surname from the Welsh gwn, meaning light, used both as a general nickname and as a distinguishing factor. In the first case, it was simply applied to people, especially children, with blond hair or light skin; the latter situation was when two people had the same name. Guinn family history starts in 1481, when Thomas Gwynne was noted in the Feet of Fines for Surrey. Guinn genealogy includes Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn and Civil War Texas Senate President Robert Guinn.

Guinn Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Guinn-- --, 1923January ,1983FL
Barbar Guinn-- --, 1938May 18,1989IL
Cairl Guinn-- --, 1907December ,1983TX
Daisy Guinn-- --, 1881July ,1973GA

Guinn Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earcie Guinn-- --, 1909May 17,2001Amarillo,TX
Fannie Guinn-- --, 1895July 7,1997Iredell,TX
Gadson Guinn-- --, 1933February 20,2003Brooksville,FL
Hallie Guinn-- --, 1903December 13,1990Tyler,TX

Guinn Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Andrea GuinnShakedra JamesApril 15,2000Cherokee, TX
Bobby GuinnDorsha CollinsJune 15,2000Cass, TX
Charles GuinnLaamber OwensSeptember 2,2000Navarro, TX
Dannie GuinnPatricia MurrayJuly 3,2000Van Zandt, TX

Most Common Surnames After Guinn

2415th: Samuel2416th: Blanco
2417th: McArthur2418th: Davila
2419th: O'Sullivan2420th: Christman
2421st: Colby2422nd: Irving
2423rd: Mabry2424th: Severson

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