Haney Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Haney Genealogy & History

Haney is an Irish, English, and Scottish surname of uncertain origin. The Irish branch, in Londonderry since feudal times, may be an Anglicized verson of the Gaelic "O hEanna," descendant of Eanna, a name of several ancient saints. Etymologists do not concur on the origin of the English and Scottish branches, suggesting Old English "hana" or "heghen", Old Norse "hagni" or "hadna" or "hani", and Old German "hagen", with such variations as Hainey, Heagney, Heaney, Heeney, Hegeany, Hegney, and Heyne making Haney genealogy complex. Haney family history is concentrated in the English-Scottish borderlands in feudal times, and the first Haney emigrant was to Virginia in 1622.

Haney Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Keith Haney-- --, 1954September 18,2004GA
Balbina Haney-- --, 1916May ,1987MI
C Dale Haney-- --, 1920July 20,1995CO
D Dale Haney-- --, 1923July ,1987KS

Haney Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Joan Haney-- --, 1930December 17,1997Middletown,OH
Fae Haney-- --, 1912April 15,2003Bridgeport,TX
G Marie Haney-- --, 1929May 7,2009Kellyville,OK
H Chesney Haney-- --, 1922December 6,2005Little Rock,AR

Haney Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
John HaneyJean BaileyApril 15,1959Wake, NC
Kenneth HaneyDara YorkJune 9,1990Wake, NC
Victor HaneyTammie EasterlyNovember 1,1990Wake, NC
Eugene HaneySheila TalkingtonJune 7,1969Tarrant, TX

Most Common Surnames After Haney

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887th: Welsh888th: Moses
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