Hannah Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Hannah Genealogy & History

Hannah is an English-Irish-Scottish surname whose history varies by country. In England, this medieval name is derived from the female name Hannah/Anna, from the Hebrew Chana, meaning God favored me with a child. The Irish name is anglicized from the Gaelic O'hAnnaigh, meaning descendant of Annach, which means iniquity (injustice) and is common in Ulster. In Scotland, Hannah is derived from Gaelic ap Sheanaigh, meaning son of Senach, and here Hannah genealogy includes the variation Hannay, which dates to ancient times in Wigtownshire. Hannah family history in Europe includes the motto per ardua ad alta, meaning through straits to heights, and in America 1630 immigration to Massachusetts.

Hannah Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Clyde Hannah-- --, 1916April 20,1991WV
Barbara Hannah-- --, 1943May 6,2008NC
Caldwell Hannah-- --, 1902December ,1968TN
Dadye Hannah-- --, 1890June ,1971TN

Hannah Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Jane Hannah-- --, 1940July ,1977Greenville,OH
Faith Hannah-- --, 1930September ,1982Buffalo,NY
G Virginia Hannah-- --, 1922November ,1987Mars,PA
H William Hannah-- --, 1924April 16,2009Green Valley,AZ

Hannah Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Douglas HannahAntoinette BradleyOctober 9,2005Wake, NC
Eddy HannahMary BakerOctober 31,1986Wake, NC
Howard HannahLucille HicksJuly 31,1937Wake, NC
Joseph HannahBetsy ThompsonSeptember 19,1959Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Hannah

1784th: Pack1785th: Brunner
1786th: Lucero1787th: Bagley
1788th: Wesley1789th: Faust
1790th: Stacy1791st: Comer
1792nd: Gale1793rd: Talbot

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