Hilliard Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Hilliard Genealogy & History

Like many surnames that come from Anglo-Saxon culture, Hilliard is an occupational name; it describes a roofer. The spelling of the Hilliard surname has only recently been standardized and thus has many different spellings ranging from Hildyard to Hildheard. Gregory Hilliard was the first member of the Hilliard genealogy to arrive in the Americas, in 1622. Notable Irish politician Michael Hilliard was the first person elected to Dail Elreann in 1943. The Hilliard coat of arms is a shield containing a chevron surrounded by three stars, while its crest is a black rooster with a red beak.

Hilliard Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Hilliard-- --, 1919September 26,1994OH
Banks Hilliard-- --, 1928November 10,1999NC
Calantha Hilliard-- --, 1929September 18,2007TN
Dagny Hilliard-- --, 1902April ,1979CA

Hilliard Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Hilliard-- --, 1923May 26,2007Kittanning,PA
Fannie Hilliard-- --, 1875June ,1968Louisburg,NC
Gail Hilliard-- --, 1916August 15,1993Saint Paul,MN
H Lavada Hilliard-- --, 1913January ,1980Naperville,IL

Hilliard Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Aaron HilliardPernie WomackMay 30,1936Wake, NC
Billy HilliardPatsy HoltMarch 19,1955Wake, NC
Charlie HilliardMary WoodsFebruary 15,1936Wake, NC
Dewitt HilliardPauline PrinceNovember 19,1931Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Hilliard

1608th: Calvert1609th: Adair
1610th: Kowalski1611th: Solis
1612th: Oakes1613th: Hauser
1614th: McGovern1615th: Judd
1616th: Gabriel1617th: Crowell

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