McRae Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

McRae Genealogy & History

McRae family history records that the origin of this name is unclear. It was first found in Inverness-shire in Scotland, but there is also confusion with English names of similar spellings, including MacCrae, MacCraith, MacCrath, MacCraw, MacCray, MacCrea, MacCree, MacCreight, MacCrie, MacReagh, MacRae, MacRay, and MacRie. The Gaelic form is Mac Rath (son of grace, or son of prosperity); others claim that the root of the name is the pre-seventh-century Old English ra (roe deer). Hugh MacCrae settled in New York in 1774. Among members of the McRae genealogy are American Civil War General Dandridge McRae; American long jumper Mike McRae; and British singer-songwriter Tom McRae.

McRae Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Gordon Mcrae-- --, 1920December 23,2003GA
Bamma Mcrae-- --, 1891October ,1974AL
Calista Mcrae-- --, 1904April ,1987MI
D Harold Mcrae-- --, 1917December 17,2004PA

McRae Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ealie Mcrae-- --, 1910April ,1973Hamlet,NC
Fairley Mcrae-- --, 1894January ,1979Maxton,NC
Gabe Mcrae-- --, 1912October ,1981Washington,DC
Halbert Mcrae-- --, 1894February ,1967Cohagen,MT

McRae Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Aaron McraeMelissa NeilApril 28,2001Wichita, TX
Brian McraeChrista CatletteJune 25,1994Wake, NC
Cameron McraeBeatrice CrisfieldJuly 14,1933Wake, NC
David McraeMary HarrisFebruary 14,1976Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After McRae

1836th: Beebe1837th: Finney
1838th: Nickerson1839th: Lentz
1840th: Mock1841st: Drummond
1842nd: Whittaker1843rd: Caudill
1844th: Giordano1845th: Stauffer

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