Christie Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Christie Genealogy & History

The motto of the Christie family is sic viresco, Latin for thus I flourish. The first members of the Christie family history were from Scottish Pictish clans. It is unknown whether Christie is directly derived from Christopher or Christian. The first written record of a Christie was found in Edinburghshire, England. Turmoil in their native land of Scotland caused many Christies to migrate to Ireland, Australia, and North America, and the first Christie in America, William Christie, arrived in 1801. Christie genealogy includes astronomer James Walter Christie, novelist and playwright Dame Agatha Christie, and Christie's auction house founder James Christie.

Christie Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abbie Christie-- --, 1897May ,1980MA
Bailey Christie-- --, 1904November 15,2001ND
Calvin Christie-- --, 1916June ,1978IN
Daisy Christie-- --, 1908June ,1987SC

Christie Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Agnes Christie-- --, 1947November ,1984Williamston,MI
Fannie Christie-- --, 1889November ,1974Brooklyn,NY
Gail Christie-- --, 1943April 25,2008Conway,SC
H Leslie Christie-- --, 1914January 17,1988Seal Beach,CA

Christie Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Aaron ChristieStacey JohnsonMarch 26,2000Ellis, TX
Craig ChristieRhonda AdamsNovember 24,1978Wake, NC
Edward ChristieTasha BerryMarch 1,2002Wake, NC
Glenn ChristieBarbara StatenNovember 29,2003Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Christie

1605th: Sorenson1606th: McNeill
1607th: Hilliard1608th: Calvert
1609th: Adair1610th: Kowalski
1611th: Solis1612th: Oakes
1613th: Hauser1614th: McGovern

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