Gonzalez Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Gonzalez Genealogy & History

Gonzalez family history indicates that it is of Spanish or Portuguese origin. It means "son of Gonzalo", which purportedly derived from Old High German "gundis" (war) combined with "salve" or "salvo", which mean to save or reserve. Other sources derive it from the Visigothic name "Gundisalv" (battle genius or war elf). In Spain it is the second most common surname (after Garc�a) and the fifth most common in Mexico. Alternate spellings are Gonzales, Gonzalez, Gonzalvo, Gozalo, Gonzalvez, Gosalvez, Goncaves, and Gonzalo. Gonzalez genealogy includes former President of Mexico Manuel Gonz�lez and the Swedish singer-songwriter Jos� Gonz�lez.

Gonzalez Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Anita Gonzalez-- --, 1918May 15,1992NY
Bacila Gonzalez-- --, 1907June 11,1993MI
C Antonio Gonzalez-- --, 1950September 7,2008NJ
D Diane Gonzalez-- --, 1941August 15,1997IL

Gonzalez Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Elisa Gonzalez-- --, 1931June 18,2010Tehachapi,CA
F Eugene Gonzalez-- --, 1923September 10,1994Roswell,GA
Gabina Gonzalez-- --, 1904October ,1993San Gabriel,CA
Hada Gonzalez-- --, 1916June ,1981Miami,FL

Gonzalez Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Emanuel GonzalezKaren WiggsMay 31,1972Wake, NC
Gilfredo GonzalezVivian HudsonJanuary 20,1951Wake, NC
Rene GonzalezArraina WhiteMarch 16,1965Wake, NC
William GonzalezGama MedranoJanuary 25,2008Wake, NC

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