West Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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West Genealogy & History

West, a medieval English name, describes someone living in or from a western village, derived from Old English "west." The first recording of the name in 1152 was in Essex, the easternmost county, with a West feudal manor in Devonshire. English West family history includes a barony created in 1402, with Sir Thomas West of Northampton the first Lord West. Nicholas West (1461-1533) was chaplain to Queen Catherine of Aragon, first wife of Henry VIII. The West motto, "jour de ma view" means "[glorious] day of my life". Francis West was noteworthy in American West genealogy as an early settler in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.

West Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Allen West-- --, 1914August ,1981FL
B Bernice West-- --, 1919February 16,2001CA
Charles West-- --, 1938July 12,2010KY
D Alfred West-- --, 1912December ,1977NC

West Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Aileene West-- --, 1915October ,1984Virginia Beach,VA
F Billy West-- --, 1925March 3,1994Kershaw,SC
G Allen West-- --, 1926July 14,1999Leesburg,FL
H Ancil West-- --, 1916November ,1984Springfield,MO

West Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Ferman WestCharlotte MartinMarch 26,1949Wake, NC
Manley WestSavon StarnesMarch 19,1938Wake, NC
Lonnie WestHazel RayOctober 7,1939Wake, NC
Stanford WestJune BushJune 27,1942Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After West

92nd: Cole93rd: Jenkins
94th: Murray95th: Wallace
96th: Gonzalez97th: Stevens
98th: Meyer99th: Hayes
100th: Kennedy101st: McDonald

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