Wood Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Wood Genealogy & History

Wood is an English surname from the Old English wudu, meaning a forest or wood. It originally indicated someone who lived near a forest. If that person also made his living there, either as a steward of the land, hunter, or lumberjack, it was usually Woods instead. Wood family history begins with Walter de la Wode, noted in the Herefordshire county Fines Court Rolls in 1242. Wood genealogy includes many famous people, like hypodermic needle inventor and Scottish physician Alexander Wood, artist Grant Wood, federal judge Kimba Wood, actress Evan Wood, actor Elijah Wood, and eccentric director Ed Wood.

Wood Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Louise Wood-- --, 1920March 17,2010NH
B Natholee Wood-- --, 1927February 6,2007MO
C Harvey Wood-- --, 1904October ,1973DE
D Cleo Wood-- --, 1913November 30,2000NE

Wood Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Alan Wood-- --, 1929July 15,2002Bonne Terre,MO
F Alton Wood-- --, 1917July 15,2001Spartanburg,SC
G Berniece Wood-- --, 1912November 4,1997Mapleton,UT
H Agnes Wood-- --, 1924July 26,2001Caldwell,ID

Wood Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bud WoodViola LeeJanuary 19,1939Wake, NC
Charlie WoodArteller EllingtonSeptember 5,1933Wake, NC
Exum WoodGaynelle WilliamsNovember 21,1933Wake, NC
Frank WoodVivian MasonNovember 29,1947Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Wood

52nd: Morgan53rd: Kelly
54th: Cox55th: Martinez
56th: Rodriguez57th: Bailey
58th: Cooper59th: Reed
60th: Ward61st: Bell

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