Fraser Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Fraser Genealogy & History

Fraser is a Scottish name. Its origins are shrouded in mystery. Its earliest spellings are de Fresel, de Friselle, and de Freseliere, which look Norman but have not been found in Normandy. The French word fraise means strawberry, but the similarity between this and Fraser could be a coincidence, though there are strawberries on the family's coat of arms. In any event, Fraser family history is first recorded with one Simon Frasee (an alternate spelling), who lived in East Lothien in 1160. Fraser genealogy includes former Prime Minister of Australia Malcom Fraser and Scottish-born former New Zealand Prime Minister Peter Fraser.

Fraser Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Regene Fraser-- --, 1917February ,1995NY
Barbara Fraser-- --, 1934February 3,2000MA
C Donald Fraser-- --, 1928September 10,2007NY
D Hugh Fraser-- --, 1912December 25,1996TX

Fraser Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E James Fraser-- --, 1921April 17,2008Baltimore,MD
Fae Fraser-- --, 1888December ,1969Aurelia,IA
Gabrielle Fraser-- --, 1906April ,1986Houston,TX
H Gordon Fraser-- --, 1918August 2,2010Providence,RI

Fraser Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bruce FraserBarbara MaytonOctober 13,1979Wake, NC
Carlyle FraserDee DorseyJuly 29,2000Comal, TX
Donald FraserWanda EdwardsDecember 30,1972Wake, NC
George FraserLaurie JoynerOctober 16,1999Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Fraser

1014th: Bernstein1015th: Curran
1016th: Bonner1017th: Sharpe
1018th: Block1019th: Ackerman
1020th: Swartz1021st: Alford
1022nd: Denton1023rd: Godfrey

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