Jernigan Family History

Jernigan Genealogy & History

Jernigan has its roots in the French word gernigon or Old Teutonic gerwig, denoting spear and warrior; thus this is an occupational name for a mercenary. Some of the different spellings include Jenningan, Jernigan, Jernygham, Jernegan, and Jenningham. The family motto is virtue is the support of life, and the crest is a falcon with its wings unfurled. Jernigan family history mentions that Thomas, Ellen, and Mary Jermegan were the first of the family to migrate to Maryland in 1637. Some members of the Jernigan genealogy are Christian singer-songwriter Dennis Jernigan; blind civil rights activist Norman Kenneth Jernigan; and scientist and NASA astronaut Tamara E. Jernigan.

Jernigan Birth Records

Name Birth Date Death Date Location
Aaron J. -- --, 1897 April ,1966 TN
Barbara J. -- --, 1933 June 7,1996 NC
C Saxon J. -- --, 1925 October 8,2001 TN
Daisy J. -- --, 1923 August ,1971 VA

Jernigan Death Records

Name Birth Date Death Date Location
Earl J. -- --, 1936 September 28,2004 Garland,NC
Faith J. -- --, 1922 November 16,2002 Indianapolis,IN
Gail J. -- --, 1913 November ,1984 Jacksonville,FL
H Marcella J. -- --, 1923 January 24,1997 San Bernardino,CA

Jernigan Marriage Records

Name Spouse Marriage Date Location
Anthony J. Patricia Reece June 26,1970 Wake, NC
Charlie J. Alma Baugh February 8,1958 Wake, NC
Dwight J. Rella Jackson February 2,1968 Wake, NC
Ernest J. Reynele Headrick May 2,1964 Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Jernigan

1996th: Crenshaw 1997th: Valencia
1998th: Gentile 1999th: Smallwood
2000th: Vigil 2001st: Busby
2002nd: Mattingly 2003rd: Medeiros
2004th: Dowd 2005th: Ruth

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