Moe Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Moe Genealogy & History

Moe is a Scandinavian locational and topographical surname, from many towns named Moe, from the Old Norse mor, meaning plain or moor, or the Swedish mo, meaning heathland. Someone with this name might originally have lived in a town named for those geological features or simply on the plain or heathland itself. Moe family history comes to the New World with Irenos Moe, who sailed to Barbados in 1508. Moe genealogy includes Denver Nuggets coach Doug Moe and Umoe founder Jens Ulltveit-Moe.

Moe Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aagot Moe-- --, 1906November 23,1996IL
B Arnold Moe-- --, 1916December 17,2009NY
C Keith Moe-- --, 1917May 5,1995IA
Dagfinn Moe-- --, 1904March ,1983NJ

Moe Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Truman Moe-- --, 1913May 6,1997Portland,OR
Faith Moe-- --, 1955November ,1981Coventry,CT
G Clayton Moe-- --, 1922July 15,2005New Baltimore,MI
H James Moe-- --, 1937June 21,1990San Leandro,CA

Moe Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Dean MoeGayle HallFebruary 20,2000Wichita, TX
Gregor MoeBonnie KnightJune 14,1969Webb, TX
John MoeWedia NealFebruary 19,2000Tarrant, TX
Kenneth MoeElizabeth OlsonJanuary 2,2001Dallas, TX

Most Common Surnames After Moe

2324th: Vann2325th: Cornwell
2326th: Starks2327th: Zeigler
2328th: Mullin2329th: Rupp
2330th: Tan2331st: Bearden
2332nd: O'Reilly2333rd: Cloud

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