Hathaway Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Hathaway Genealogy & History

The Hathaway name has two possible sources. It may be a name for someone who lived by a path across a heath, from the Old English haeth (heath) + weg (way). It may also derive from the rare Old English personal name Heaethuwig, from heaethu (strife or contention) + wig (war). According to Hathaway family history, the first recorded spelling was that of William Hadewi in the Pipe Rolls of Herefordshire in 1178. Joe Hathoway settled in New England in 1635, and Francis Hathaway settled in Virginia in 1652. Members of the Hathaway genealogy include actress Anne Hathaway and cybersecurity expert Melissa Hathaway.

Hathaway Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Lewis Hathaway-- --, 1925January 22,2009TN
B Grant Hathaway-- --, 1914July 18,2001PA
Cale Hathaway-- --, 1915June ,1986TN
D Audrey Hathaway-- --, 1922November 13,2009MA

Hathaway Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Hathaway-- --, 1906December ,1965Orlando,FL
F James Hathaway-- --, 1927January 1,1991Bellaire,OH
G Eugene Hathaway-- --, 1920March 22,2001Cottonwood,AZ
H Winston Hathaway-- --, 1949January 12,2006West Palm Beach,FL

Hathaway Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Albert HathawayElizabeth BeattieSeptember 27,1946Wake, NC
Bobby HathawayShirley WhiteJuly 12,1969Wake, NC
Charles HathawayCarolyn DavisNovember 24,2001Jefferson, TX
David HathawayJennifer GileAugust 20,2000Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Hathaway

1517th: Mansfield1518th: Jarrett
1519th: Gerber1520th: Baum
1521st: Doty1522nd: Redmond
1523rd: Neumann1524th: Raines
1525th: Fitch1526th: Robles

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