Sharp Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Sharp Genealogy & History

Sharp is an English surname from the Old English scearp, meaning sharp, and was often used to describe someone who was smart, or sharp. It was a generally positive name, even with occasional bouts of anti-intellectualism. Sharp family history starts with Healden Scearpa, noted in Old English Bynames for Kent in 1026, and journeys to the New World with Robert Sharp, who left London for New England in 1635. Sharp genealogy boasts several noteworthy people, like prominent political scientist Gene Sharp, Eisenhower Air Force Secretary Dudley Sharp, Australian artist and cartoonist Martin Sharp, and Houston land developer Frank Sharp.

Sharp Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Aileen Sharp-- --, 1923August ,1992MD
B Alexande Sharp-- --, 1921October 9,1997MI
C Edward Sharp-- --, 1914February ,1987NJ
D Jean Sharp-- --, 1926April 21,1993OH

Sharp Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Burnette Sharp-- --, 1929June 20,2002Englewood,CO
F Bohlinge Sharp-- --, 1913June 18,2003Stone Mountain,GA
G Audrey Sharp-- --, 1918May 23,2006Colorado Springs,CO
Hager Sharp-- --, 1911June ,1978Covington,KY

Sharp Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Gary SharpMary GannawayOctober 1,1988Wake, NC
Steven SharpRegina RayMarch 15,1980Wake, NC
James SharpKathryn CrawfordNovember 17,1984Wake, NC
William SharpJoyce DurrettApril 3,1953Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Sharp

316th: Byrd317th: Bowen
318th: Goodman319th: Mueller
320th: Frazier321st: Gallagher
322nd: Dawson323rd: Potter
324th: Blair325th: Terry

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