Jones County, IA Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Jones County vital recordsIf you are interested in obtaining vital records such as birth records, death records, marriage records and divorce records for Jones County a good place to begin your search is the Jones County Records Office. Office hours and the list of required documents needed to process your request can be found on the county website. Jones County Records Office does not have birth, death or marriage records for 1921-1941, they are kept at the Iowa Bureau of Public Health. The Iowa Bureau of Public Health is good place to request any vital documents for the State of Iowa. You may also place a request through VitalChek, an online document ordering system for vital records from Jones County or the State.

Jones County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Jones County
500 W Main, Rm 116
Anamosa, IA 52205-1632
Hours of Operation: 8AM-4:30PM CST
Phone: 319-462-2477
Fax: 319-462-5802
Real Estate: 319-462-2477
Assessor: 319-462-2671
Treasurer: 319-462-3550
Elections: 319-462-2282
Vital Records: 319-462-2477
Recording Officer: County Recorder
Records Online: Real Estate, Deed
Assessor Fax: 319-462-5320
Assessor Website

Jones County Marriage & Divorce Records - County Courts

Category: Courts
Jones County - Court Room
Court House
Anamosa, IA 52205
Phone: (319)462-2275

Jones County Birth & Death Records

About Jones County, Iowa

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