Craft Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Craft Genealogy & History

The surname Craft is derived from the Old English "craeft", meaning a craft or skill. This name indicates that these original family members were probably smart and skillful people. Craft family history shows that the name may also have described someone who lived near a "croft", which is an enclosed pasture near a house. It may also refer to a handicraft, meaning a machine or engine such as a mill. Alternative spellings of the name include Kraft, Croft, Crofts, Crafts, Cruft, Crufts and Crofoot. Craft genealogy includes the food manufacturing family Kraft and puppeteers Sid and Marty Croft.

Craft Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Burr Craft-- --, 1920February 4,2008NY
B Sue Craft-- --, 1918November 15,2007AL
Callie Craft-- --, 1908October ,1981TX
D Raymond Craft-- --, 1914September 23,1993NC

Craft Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Carrie Craft-- --, 1928August 18,1998Louisville,KY
Fairl Craft-- --, 1936August 26,2003Repton,AL
Gacio Craft-- --, 1923March 9,2003Cleveland,OH
H Arnold Craft-- --, 1916September ,1986Washington,DC

Craft Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Billy CraftJulia DixonJune 23,1979Wake, NC
Christopher CraftMelissa WilliamsNovember 17,2001Wake, NC
Denzel CraftFanny EverettAugust 5,1978Wake, NC
Eric CraftKimberly SmithJune 20,1986Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Craft

965th: Padilla966th: Costa
967th: Hastings968th: Lin
969th: Downing970th: Kidd
971st: Key972nd: Rankin
973rd: Childers974th: Liu

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