Diaz Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Diaz Genealogy & History

Diaz family history shows that this is a Hispanic surname. It has two possible origins. The first is the Latin "dies", which means days. Diaz genealogy indicates that this surname may also derive from the Hebrew and mean, "son of Iago" or "son of Diego", meaning son of James or Jacob. It is related to the surname Diego. Diaz genealogy shows that the name is spelled with a "z" in Spanish-speaking countries, while it is spelled as Dias in Portuguese-speaking countries. Famous people with this name include actress Cameron Diaz, who provides the voice of Princess Fiona in the Shrek movies.

Diaz Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Jean Diaz-- --, 1935May 8,2007OK
Balbina Diaz-- --, 1902August ,1981LA
C Constanc Diaz-- --, 1925September ,1995FL
Dahlia Diaz-- --, 1918January 4,2002FL

Diaz Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Diaz-- --, 1931June 10,2006Fort Worth,TX
Fabian Diaz-- --, 1939March 16,2003Fontana,CA
Gabino Diaz-- --, 1943December 29,2003Houston,TX
Hamilton Diaz-- --, 1914June ,1978New Orleans,LA

Diaz Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alberto DiazJill RangeDecember 13,2002Wake, NC
Jose DiazJosephine CossettiJanuary 28,1966Wake, NC
Felix DiazAna Del AguilaDecember 31,2000Wake, NC
Dominico DiazApril YatesOctober 27,1986Wake, NC

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