Rubin Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Rubin Genealogy & History

Rubin is a German surname, with two possible origins. First, it may come from the biblical Hebrew name Reuven, which means "behold my son", in which case it would have become much more popular after the crusades. Also, it could descend from the Old German rubin, which means ruby, from the Latin rubeus, for red. In either case, Rubin family history begins with Richter Rubynus of Brunn in 1240, noted in the town's register. Rubin genealogy includes several well-known people, such as Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin, and popcorn entrepreneur Sam Rubin.

Rubin Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Marie Rubin-- --, 1923October 9,1997NY
B Irene Rubin-- --, 1927March 30,1999CA
Calup Rubin-- --, 1909January ,1985LA
Dagmar Rubin-- --, 1884January ,1978IL

Rubin Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Rubin-- --, 1899May ,1969San Francisco,CA
Fae Rubin-- --, 1900April ,1995Miami Beach,FL
G Leonard Rubin-- --, 1921March 15,1996Baltimore,MD
H William Rubin-- --, 1927June 8,1993Omaha,NE

Rubin Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Eric RubinKaren OberMarch 13,1964Wake, NC
Roger RubinAudree SternSeptember 22,1951Wake, NC
Kenneth RubinEstelle KleinMay 29,1970Wake, NC
Steven RubinMelba GreggAugust 31,1986Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Rubin

872nd: Lindsay873rd: Hendrickson
874th: Jefferson875th: Lancaster
876th: Albert877th: Flanagan
878th: Forbes879th: Lyon
880th: Haney881st: O'Neil

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