Nik Walker

Nik Walker is a London based writer and Genealogist. After 10 years researching family history, his amateur interests in genealogy were too much to ignore and he decided to take it on in a full time capacity in 2006 with the launch of his UltraViolet Genealogy website. Having performed tasks for clients in all aspects of Family Research, he now holds his specialties as British Ancestry and Military History. Nik has contributed to Family Tree magazine, Who Do You Think You Are magazine and other publications in the United Kingdom as well as managing The Medal Reunited Project. Nik is a member of The Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) and The Society of Genealogists (SoG)
Articles by this author
Favorite genealogy quote:
The farther back you look, the farther back you see. - Winston Churchill
What are your specific genealogical interests?My specific interests in Genealogy are not limited. I have a real passion for history and the personal connection that can be made through family research.
What got you into genealogy?Just before my Grandmother passed away, I made a promise to trace her family roots. Unfortunately she did not live to share my findings but she was my inspiration and uncovered a hidden passion and talent for genealogy. Every achievement is a dedication to her memory.
Most surprising genealogical find:Whilst researching my own family I visited a small village in which they had originated from. Records had revealed they had been Strict Baptists who had worshiped at a small chapel in the village. Following the information I had found and a 150 year old map, I tracked down the Baptist chapel, now converted to a holiday home in the back garden of a house in the village. To my surprise just in front of the homeowners� vegetable plot, was a small cemetery that only contains my ancestors. A truly great surprise and an unexpected shock.
If you could find the family history of any historical great, who would it be and why?I truly believe that everyone has a fascinating past, it is often the story of the ordinary man, be it the shoemaker, the cabinet maker, the railway man, that offers the most satisfaction in bringing their story to life.
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