Allison Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Allison Genealogy & History

Allison, which is interchangeable with Ellison, is an English surname whose patronymic derivation is controversial. The most popular supposition is that the father's given name was the Norman name Ellis, but also proposed is the English Alice, Scottish Alan, French Alyes, and even Scandinavian Olaf. The earliest reference in Allison family history is for a William Alisun in 1248 in Buckinghamshire, England. In Scottish family history, Allison is a sept (division) of the MacAllister clan, which itself is a branch of clan Donald. The Allison motto is "truth prevails." In American Allison genealogy, the earliest immigrant lived in Boston in 1644.

Allison Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Dean Allison-- --, 1926July 21,2007KS
Babe Allison-- --, 1928November ,1980TX
C Frank Allison-- --, 1928October 8,1998AR
D Imogene Allison-- --, 1925February 4,2006IL

Allison Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Paul Allison-- --, 1913December 22,1995Harlingen,TX
F Adelle Allison-- --, 1925January 23,2001Austin,TX
G Earlene Allison-- --, 1926May 13,2000Ogden,UT
H Gerald Allison-- --, 1925June 21,1996Melvern,KS

Allison Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Clair AllisonMargaret MccombieJune 14,1946Wake, NC
Gerrad AllisonCandice WorleyDecember 27,2003Wake, NC
James AllisonAnne EvansNovember 7,1936Wake, NC
Haskell AllisonMary BunnJune 7,1950Wake, NC

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