Baumgartner Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Baumgartner Genealogy & History

Baumgartner is a German name. It was originally derived from the German word Baumgarten, meaning tree garden. Thus it most likely arose as an occupational name given to someone who worked in or owned an orchard. It could also have been a topographical name given to people who lived near an orchard or perhaps a locational name given to someone who lived in a town named Baumgarten. Baumgartner family history begins in East Prussia; the family is believed to have been on the level of the Teutonic Knights. Baumgartner genealogy includes Ann Baumgartner, the first female American to fly an Air Force jet.

Baumgartner Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ada Baumgartner-- --, 1888August ,1968IL
Barbara Baumgartner-- --, 1932July 22,1994IN
C Robina Baumgartner-- --, 1926May 8,2004MI
Daisy Baumgartner-- --, 1906April 1,1998MD

Baumgartner Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Kathleen Baumgartner-- --, 1913June ,1986Emmaus,PA
F Neil Baumgartner-- --, 1920July ,1984Houston,TX
G Allen Baumgartner-- --, 1923April 25,1996Oak Hill,WV
Harlan Baumgartner-- --, 1930July 11,1999Rutherfordton,NC

Baumgartner Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alvin BaumgartnerMartha KimichMarch 31,2000Harris, TX
Charles BaumgartnerNancy GeeJanuary 22,2000Harris, TX
David BaumgartnerBecky JohnsonNovember 16,1999Wake, NC
Frank BaumgartnerMarcille CoxAugust 13,2005Travis, TX

Most Common Surnames After Baumgartner

2307th: High2308th: Coyne
2309th: Dupree2310th: Corrigan
2311th: Croft2312th: Espinosa
2313th: Looney2314th: Gavin
2315th: Krebs2316th: Babb

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