Davila Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Davila Genealogy & History

Davila is a Spanish and Portuguese locational surname from the Castilian province of Avila. It likely comes from the Old German root avi, which itself probably means desired and may be distantly related to the Latin amicus, meaning friend, and amare, meaning to love. Davila family history comes to the New World with Francisco Davila, who sailed to North America in 1512. Davila genealogy includes a few interesting people, such as Honduras President Miguel Davila and Spanish colonial administrator Pedro Davila.

Davila Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abe Davila-- --, 1950February 28,1998TX
Baltazar Davila-- --, 1933August 13,1989NY
Caesar Davila-- --, 1955November 1,2002NY
Damian Davila-- --, 1942September 30,1997NY

Davila Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Eddie Davila-- --, 1945November ,1985San Juan,PR
Fanny Davila-- --, 1937October 6,2000Bayamon,PR
Gabina Davila-- --, 1892October ,1982San Juan,PR
Hannora Davila-- --, 1915August 17,1995Hartford,CT

Davila Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Adalberto DavilaMyrna SaucedaJune 19,2000Cameron, TX
Daniel DavilaTracey CortezJanuary 1,2000Harris, TX
Eddy DavilaCynthia GarzaOctober 21,2000Harris, TX
Gilberto DavilaLalonnie BellOctober 24,2003Wake, NC

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2427th: Bolin2428th: Martino

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