Lenz Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Lenz Genealogy & History

Lenz is one variation of the family of European surnames descending from the Latin given name Laurentius, which is derived from the city of Laurentium, or laurels, in Italy. Given that the laurel symbolized victory in ancient Rome and thereafter, the popularity is obvious. Lenz family history begins in 1150, when the cleric Magister Laurentius was enrolled in the Episcopal Records of Glasgow. Lenz genealogy includes several notable people, such as award-winning actress Kay Lenz and Russian physicist Heinrich Lenz.

Lenz Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ada Lenz-- --, 1891August ,1983IL
Barbara Lenz-- --, 1927February 4,2006MA
C Milton Lenz-- --, 1928November 20,2006KS
Daisy Lenz-- --, 1892August ,1979PA

Lenz Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Thomas Lenz-- --, 1929March 16,2000Belmar,NJ
F Ancis Lenz-- --, 1907June 11,2002Rocky Hill,CT
Garnet Lenz-- --, 1921December 2,2002Saint Charles,IL
Hallie Lenz-- --, 1922March 18,2010Corning,CA

Lenz Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Adam LenzClaudia DeleonMarch 11,2000Cameron, TX
Eric LenzCatherine BelcherJune 24,2000Dallas, TX
Ferdinand LenzPatricia SorrowJune 22,2001Guadalupe, TX
Garrett LenzTammy MilesDecember 29,2001Matagorda, TX

Most Common Surnames After Lenz

2351st: Beckwith2352nd: Steffen
2353rd: Herzog2354th: Harlow
2355th: Dent2356th: Benner
2357th: Garvey2358th: Wylie
2359th: Garvin2360th: Herr

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