Waters Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Waters Genealogy & History
Waters is an English and Scottish name with a surprising derivation. Although it certainly could mean someone who lived near a distinctive lake or river, and there are villages named Water, the more likely derivation may be from the Old German name "Waldhar," composed of "wald", meaning rule, and "heri", meaning army, and often pronounced Wauter in medieval England. Thus Waters genealogy is complicated by the many variations found: Wadders, Waders, Waiders, Waitrs, Wharters, Wauters, and the locational Attwaters. Waters family history dates to feudal times when they held a family seat in Shropshire, and the early immigration in the 1610s to Virginia in America.
Waters Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Aaron Waters | -- --, 1899 | April ,1980 | MI |
B Linwood Waters | -- --, 1919 | July 30,2010 | NC |
C James Waters | -- --, 1923 | October ,1988 | VA |
D Leoma Waters | -- --, 1919 | December 17,2003 | SC |
Waters Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Cornelia Waters | -- --, 1916 | December 29,1994 | Trenton,NJ |
Fairy Waters | -- --, 1895 | February ,1984 | Hickory,NC |
G Kathryn Waters | -- --, 1920 | February 3,1994 | Clarks Summit,PA |
H Barney Waters | -- --, 1928 | November 25,1999 | Merritt Island,FL |
Waters Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Billy Waters | Eva Morgan | July 17,1946 | Wake, NC |
David Waters | Carol Seaborn | August 4,1972 | Wake, NC |
Earl Waters | Lynda Holyfield | September 10,1967 | Wake, NC |
James Waters | Ann Croom | September 19,1953 | Wake, NC |
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