Blackwell Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Blackwell Genealogy & History
Blackwell is an ancient locational English name, derived from Old English "blaec" meaning black and "waella" meaning stream. Ancient Blackwell family history begins with "Blacheuuelle" in Derbyshire, where they held a family seat (feudal home) and "Blacwaelle" in Durham. One of the first surnames ever recorded in England was Blacewellan in 1012 in Wocestershire. The Blackwell coat of arms is silver with a black greyhound: black stands for constancy and the greyhound nobility; popular in Greek and Roman mythology, greyhounds were long reserved for nobility ownership in England. In America the Blackwell genealogy begins in Massachusetts and Virginia in the mid-1630s.
Blackwell Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Curtis Blackwell | -- --, 1924 | October 30,2006 | NC |
Balzora Blackwell | -- --, 1914 | October ,1998 | MO |
C Leslie Blackwell | -- --, 1916 | January 17,1994 | NC |
D J Blackwell | -- --, 1929 | March 15,1995 | GA |
Blackwell Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Clyde Blackwell | -- --, 1916 | November 1,1998 | Roswell,NM |
F Oris Blackwell | -- --, 1925 | November 4,2006 | Washington,NC |
G Chloe Blackwell | -- --, 1918 | March 31,2008 | East Prairie,MO |
Hajj Blackwell | -- --, 1969 | January 4,2008 | Philadelphia,PA |
Blackwell Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
David Blackwell | Linda Fischbach | October 21,1995 | Wake, NC |
Elwood Blackwell | Nannie Smith | June 4,1949 | Wake, NC |
Glenn Blackwell | Eleanor Oswald | January 19,1968 | Wake, NC |
Joseph Blackwell | Annie Weathers | November 25,1932 | Wake, NC |
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