Connor Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Connor Genealogy & History
Connor is an Irish surname, an anglicized form of the Gaelic "Conchobar" meaning "Wolf Kin", "Wolf Lover", or "Lover of Hounds". Variant spellings include Conor, Conner, Connors, Connar and Conner, as well as the Scottish MacConnor and McConnor. Connor family history finds that this clan is originally from Connacht, but now has six distinct septs, the largest in Munster, County Kerry. Connor genealogy boasts the High King of Ireland in the second century as well as the last High Kings: Turlough O'Connor (1088-1156) and Roderick O'Connor (1116-1198). Notable Connors include the film and TV director Kevin Connor and the baseball player Roger Connor.
Connor Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
Aaron Connor | -- --, 1981 | August 4,2003 | ME |
Barbara Connor | -- --, 1930 | December 28,2003 | MA |
C Dean Connor | -- --, 1917 | July 2,1989 | OH |
David Connor | -- --, 1949 | September 15,1990 | CA |
Connor Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Fernell Connor | -- --, 1922 | March ,1985 | Winnsboro,SC |
Faith Connor | -- --, 1900 | October ,1972 | Cedar Rapids,IA |
Gabart Connor | -- --, 1909 | May ,1977 | Philadelphia,PA |
Hairm Connor | -- --, 1907 | May 14,1988 | Chadbourn,NC |
Connor Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Brian Connor | Joan Lacey | March 24,2001 | Tarrant, TX |
Clinton Connor | Wendy Clegg | September 24,2005 | Wake, NC |
Dennis Connor | Donna Knapp | September 9,1966 | Wake, NC |
Elbert Connor | Angela Samuels | December 30,2000 | Brazos, TX |
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