Magee Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Magee Genealogy & History

Magee family history records that the name is Celtic in origin and is found in Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. In Scotland, Magee ancestors lived in the Scottish/English borderlands, while the Irish Magees were found in and around Ulster. Variants include MacGee, Mc Gee, MacGhee, Mogey, Moggie, MacGhie, and others. The name descends from mac (descendant of) + Aodh (Hugh), meaning fire. The earliest known Magee was Gilmighel MacEthe, recorded in 1296. Early American members of Magee genealogy include Eleanor Magee, who arrived in Boston in 1763, and fellow Bostonian James Magee, who was documented in 1768.

Magee Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Magee-- --, 1886December ,1970MS
Barbara Magee-- --, 1934August 12,2005NY
Cahal Magee-- --, 1942October 22,2003NY
D Helen Magee-- --, 1908April 19,1995PA

Magee Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Huyett Magee-- --, 1914November 24,1987Cocoa Beach,FL
F Marie Magee-- --, 1924May 16,2009Montgomery,LA
Gail Magee-- --, 1947June 25,2003Liberty,MO
H Ivan Magee-- --, 1907May 27,1990South Bend,IN

Magee Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Clarence MageeCassandra AndersonAugust 12,2000Harris, TX
Daniel MageeKathryn HeitzmanJuly 15,1995Wake, NC
Erich MageeLisa HayesMay 25,1991Wake, NC
James MageeEleanor FinchSeptember 6,1947Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Magee

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1141st: Hutchison1142nd: Connell
1143rd: Foreman1144th: McDonough
1145th: Larkin1146th: Tompkins
1147th: Couch1148th: Pritchard

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