Marino Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Marino Genealogy & History

First mentioned in the city of Castille, Marino is a surname with both Spanish and Italian roots. In Marino family history, the surname was probably given to sailors, as it derives from the word mar, which means the sea. This word was, in turn, derived from the French marin and the Latin marinus, both words that refer to the sea and sailors. Our current English word marine also derives from these roots. Variations of this surname include Marin. A famous member in Marino genealogy is former football player Dan Marino, quarterback of the last still undefeated NFL team, the 1972 Miami Dolphins.

Marino Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A W Martin Marino-- --, 1894October ,1980NY
B Joseph Marino-- --, 1913May 5,2006NY
Caesar Marino-- --, 1913September 24,1997IN
Daisy Marino-- --, 1926January 1,2000NY

Marino Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earlene Marino-- --, 1928June 12,2002Hancock,NY
Fae Marino-- --, 1912December ,1984Las Vegas,NV
G George Marino-- --, 1906February 29,1996Medina,OH
Habie Marino-- --, 1923August ,1984Fort Worth,TX

Marino Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Anthony MarinoLori FisherOctober 29,2004Wake, NC
Edward MarinoMyra BaileyAugust 23,1976Wake, NC
James MarinoKaren CapellaJuly 25,1981Wake, NC
Warren MarinoJanie CordovaMay 26,2000Potter, TX

Most Common Surnames After Marino

1003rd: England1004th: McKnight
1005th: Farris1006th: Pike
1007th: Cleveland1008th: Levin
1009th: McGinnis1010th: Estrada
1011th: Swenson1012th: Gamble

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