Mark Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Mark Genealogy & History

Mark originates from the pre-Christian name Marcus, derived from mar (to gleam) and possibly from Mars, the god of war. It also has roots in the French Marck, indicating one who lived near the boundary mark. Some of its variant spellings are Marcq, Murkus, Marek, Markovski, Van der Marck, Marconi, Marchitello, De Marchi ,and De Marco. Mark family history mentions that the first known written record of the name is probably that of Heinrich Mark, in the charters of the town of Biberach, Germany, in the year 1390. Mark genealogy includes chemist and 1979 Wolf Prize in Chemistry winner Herman Mark and physician Lester Mark.

Mark Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Mark-- --, 1889February ,1978NY
Bailey Mark-- --, 1911February 9,2006CA
Calvin Mark-- --, 1925October 19,2005CA
Daisy Mark-- --, 1916November 16,1989NY

Mark Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Mark-- --, 1917October ,1980Canton,OH
Fae Mark-- --, 1908December ,1976New York,NY
Gabriel Mark-- --, 1886April ,1971Salt Lake City,UT
H Wayne Mark-- --, 1926March 25,2000Greencastle,IN

Mark Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Edward MarkSandra WrightFebruary 14,2000Harris, TX
Ferdinand MarkJulie ByronApril 4,2003Coryell, TX
Joseph MarkMary CarsonJune 30,1979Wake, NC
Richard MarkAlma JeromeSeptember 18,1982Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Mark

2183rd: Starnes2184th: Heaton
2185th: Markham2186th: Coburn
2187th: Schmid2188th: Durbin
2189th: Hinds2190th: Moulton
2191st: Deaton2192nd: Santana

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