Mayberry Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Mayberry Genealogy & History

Mayberry stems from maere and burg, denoting a reinforced manor on the boundary. The family coat of arms is a black shield with a wide band silver cross in each quadrant pointing down. Mayberry family history mentions Ann Mabre as the first known spelling of the name in 1585 in the church register in St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, London, England. Some members of the Mayberry genealogy are Paralympics silver medalist skier Marty Mayberry and baseball first baseman John Mayberry.

Mayberry Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Mayberry-- --, 1908October 30,1998TN
Bailey Mayberry-- --, 1897December 7,1969NC
C Keith Mayberry-- --, 1925January 31,2003OH
Daisy Mayberry-- --, 1873July ,1971ME

Mayberry Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ealer Mayberry-- --, 1900October ,1993Bruceville,TX
Fannie Mayberry-- --, 1922February 24,2000Bel Air,MD
G Josephin Mayberry-- --, 1925April ,1993Kansas City,MO
Hallie Mayberry-- --, 1932December 20,2006Taft,CA

Mayberry Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Allen MayberryRita BurnsSeptember 14,2000Potter, TX
Brian MayberryDana FaisonNovember 11,2000Wake, NC
Charles MayberryMarjorie SorrellAugust 24,1940Wake, NC
David MayberryLorilea KeithJune 15,2000Fort Bend, TX

Most Common Surnames After Mayberry

2371st: Hyman2372nd: Lemon
2373rd: Lu2374th: Merchant
2375th: Brink2376th: Newberry
2377th: Edgar2378th: Lauer
2379th: Hannon2380th: Lantz

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