Simon Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Simon Genealogy & History

Simon genealogy is typically British or Cornish, though there are variations among many European nations. The name Simon was originally a given name with two origins. One origin is Biblical, from the Hebrew "Shimon", meaning "he who hearkens". This could become the names Simon or Simeon. The other origin is Greek from the word "simos", meaning a person with a small or flat nose. Alternate spellings include Simco and Siomon, as well as Simeoni in Italian and Simao in Polish. Simon family history includes British author S. J. Simon, American musician Paul Simon, and singer-songwriter Carly Simon.

Simon Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Bruce Simon-- --, 1926March 28,2008NE
B George Simon-- --, 1917July 17,1998CT
Caesar Simon-- --, 1922September 9,2005LA
D Jeannett Simon-- --, 1937March 31,1992MN

Simon Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Ann Simon-- --, 1913June 23,1997Scottsdale,AZ
F Elizabet Simon-- --, 1914July ,1982Houston,TX
G Rene Simon-- --, 1925June 5,2002Moultrie,GA
H Joseph Simon-- --, 1916June 30,1997Lorena,TX

Simon Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Austin SimonAdlaide EvansDecember 24,1937Wake, NC
Clayton SimonCrystal TaylorApril 20,2002Wake, NC
David SimonConnie TomasiSeptember 24,1951Wake, NC
Leon SimonMildred PikeJune 9,1951Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Simon

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336th: Frank337th: Weiss
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340th: Cross341st: Miles
342nd: Moss343rd: Todd

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