Crosby Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Crosby Genealogy & History

The surname Crosby is derived from Old Scandinavian. Crosby family history shows that this is a locational name pertaining to a person who lived in one of the places in Northern England or Southern Scotland that got their names from a combination of the Old Norse "kross," meaning a cross, and "byr", an enclosure or settlement. A cross was usually made of stone and set up next to a road near a village or inside a settlement. Crosby genealogy includes such famous Crosby family members as crooner Bing Crosby, his granddaughter and actress Denise Crosby, and folk-rock singer David Crosby.

Crosby Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Margaret Crosby-- --, 1924February 4,1999WA
Baby Crosby-- --, 1905July 25,1999FL
C Lea Crosby-- --, 1925March 1,2009NC
D Parker Crosby-- --, 1929April 19,2007AZ

Crosby Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Howard Crosby-- --, 1929February 11,2002Waverly,NY
F Janet Crosby-- --, 1922November 16,2009Rio Rancho,NM
G Ray Crosby-- --, 1929June 23,2004Vero Beach,FL
Hagood Crosby-- --, 1910March 2,1998Hampton,SC

Crosby Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Blake CrosbyKimberly MclambAugust 5,2006Wake, NC
David CrosbyIrene GlascoxDecember 24,1935Wake, NC
Rawland CrosbyBlanche TrippApril 19,1946Wake, NC
James CrosbyNaomi CoxJune 5,1948Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Crosby

758th: Joyce759th: Rowland
760th: Church761st: McCarty
762nd: Potts763rd: Dodson
764th: Stanton765th: Vogel
766th: Ritter767th: Fritz

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