Dale Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Dale Genealogy & History
Dale family history shows that this name is locational. It is derived from the Scandinavian word "dalr", meaning a valley, and was used to describe a person who lived in such a low place. The name was first recorded in England and may have referred to an ancient British tribe named the Dallingas. Alternative spellings include the German Dallmann; the Dutch Daal, Van Daal, and Van Dalen; and the Danish Dall. Dale genealogy includes Dick Dale, who became famous for developing the unique sound of surf music in the 1960s with the Deltones. Several states have towns or cities named Dale: Indiana, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Dale Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Jeanne Dale | -- --, 1924 | August 27,1999 | PA |
Bannie Dale | -- --, 1912 | September 26,2002 | GA |
Cainan Dale | -- --, 1916 | October 27,1997 | IN |
Daisy Dale | -- --, 1910 | October ,1986 | NC |
Dale Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Brock Dale | -- --, 1918 | April 23,2010 | Manhattan,KS |
F Douglas Dale | -- --, 1913 | December 18,2000 | Schofield,WI |
G Ernest Dale | -- --, 1916 | April 20,2007 | Princeton,NJ |
H Alan Dale | -- --, 1927 | April 11,2003 | Cornelia,GA |
Dale Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Adam Dale | Ashley Curtis | February 15,2003 | Bexar, TX |
Barry Dale | Theresa Schenk | July 22,1972 | Wake, NC |
Clark Dale | Rebecca Stanfield | June 9,1979 | Wake, NC |
Eugene Dale | Felisa Jackson | February 28,2000 | Harris, TX |
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