Stevenson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Stevenson Genealogy & History
Stevenson is an English and Scottish patronymic name, meaning son of Steven. Stevenson family history began in Huntingdonshire and Northumberland, England, where the Stevenson/Stephenson family held a feudal manor. Derived from the Greek "stephanos", meaning crown, and its Latin form "Stefanus", the given name Stephen was popular in the Middle Ages, with children named after the first Christian martyr or the 1150 King of England. Stevenson and Stephenson are used interchangeably and are equivalent to Stevens and Stephens. Other spelling variations in Stephenson genealogy include Steenson, Steinson, Stenson, and Stevenston. Perhaps the most famous name-bearer is Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. The first Stevenson immigrated to Massachusetts in 1630.
Stevenson Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Brockie Stevenson | -- --, 1919 | September 1,2009 | PA |
B Virginia Stevenson | -- --, 1921 | December 22,1990 | IL |
C Burton Stevenson | -- --, 1919 | February 15,2002 | MO |
D June Stevenson | -- --, 1920 | May ,1984 | PA |
Stevenson Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Earle Stevenson | -- --, 1919 | August 28,1993 | Baltimore,MD |
F Edison Stevenson | -- --, 1932 | October 16,2009 | Calvert City,KY |
G Marion Stevenson | -- --, 1923 | March ,1987 | Bethel Park,PA |
H Douglas Stevenson | -- --, 1948 | December 15,1996 | Bolivar,MO |
Stevenson Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
George Stevenson | Charlotte Reiff | April 1,1963 | Wake, NC |
Leroy Stevenson | Edna Birdine | December 28,1948 | Wake, NC |
Hubert Stevenson | Coretia Harris | June 13,1959 | Wake, NC |
Richard Stevenson | Ina Watson | October 13,1962 | Wake, NC |
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