Wise Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Wise Genealogy & History
Wise is an English surname from the Old English wis, meaning knowing. It was applied to people who had had more schooling than most, defined as any schooling at all in the Middle Ages, before the advent of widespread literacy, and often extending to matters of law and others requiring a good deal of education, sometimes even the occult. Wise family history begins with Aedwin Wise, added to the Pipe Rolls of Devonshire in 1176. Wise genealogy includes a few renowned people, such as Confederate General Henry Wise, Mulroney Minister of Agriculture John Wise, and award-winning physicist Mark Wise.
Wise Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Birge Wise | -- --, 1921 | January 20,1996 | SC |
B Rosella Wise | -- --, 1914 | January 9,2005 | PA |
Calder Wise | -- --, 1915 | November 8,1989 | TX |
Daisey Wise | -- --, 1892 | July ,1975 | NC |
Wise Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Dianne Wise | -- --, 1934 | February 18,2003 | Prescott,AZ |
F Jay Wise | -- --, 1912 | June 5,1997 | Lansing,MI |
G Edwin Wise | -- --, 1935 | October 4,2000 | Auburn,NY |
H Belle Wise | -- --, 1922 | December 30,2004 | Yakima,WA |
Wise Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Albert Wise | Catherine Cohoon | March 6,1976 | Wake, NC |
Bobby Wise | Deborah Waller | December 8,1979 | Wake, NC |
Claude Wise | Barbara Williamson | July 15,1972 | Wake, NC |
George Wise | Anne Cromartie | December 27,1960 | Wake, NC |
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