Fink Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Fink Genealogy & History

Fink is the German word for "finch", a cheerful songbird that is sometimes caged and sold. Thus the name might be occupational, for someone who bred and sold finches. It might also be a name given to somebody who was happy and skilled at singing. Fink family history began in Austria, where the Finks were an old noble family with much power and influence. Fink genealogy includes Albert Fink, a German engineer who designed the "Fink truss," a type of bridge popular with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; and former Anchorage, Alaska, mayor Tom Fink.

Fink Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Fink-- --, 1899October 7,1990NY
B Raymond Fink-- --, 1914October 30,2000NY
C Glenn Fink-- --, 1926November 26,2004PA
Daisy Fink-- --, 1885October ,1975NY

Fink Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Joyce Fink-- --, 1927August 2,1995Thatcher,AZ
F Kay Fink-- --, 1922September ,1985Fayetteville,AR
G George Fink-- --, 1917November 8,1997Sarasota,FL
H Jane Fink-- --, 1947November 14,2009Denver,PA

Fink Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bryan FinkNikki SwihuraMarch 17,2007Wake, NC
Charles FinkAnna LimonOctober 26,2000Collin, TX
Douglas FinkAudrey RhodesApril 25,1976Wake, NC
Gary FinkSusan BarefootJune 5,1976Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Fink

848th: Sampson849th: Hatfield
850th: Archer851st: Cantrell
852nd: Spence853rd: McDermott
854th: Connolly855th: Sheppard
856th: Gustafson857th: Soto

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